Ian (Guanglei) Zhu

I am a Master of Computer Vision student at Carnegie Mellon University. My passion lies in addressing real-world challenges through Machine Learning and Computer Vision. I'm actively seeking summer intern roles for 2024!

Before this, I had the privilege of interning at the Vector Institute under the mentorship of Prof. Animesh Garg. I finished my undergraduate study in Computer Science at University of Toronto.

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HandyPriors: Physically Consistent Perception of Hand-Object Interactions with Differentiable Priors
Shutong Zhang*, Yi-Ling Qiao*, Guanglei Zhu*, Eric Heiden, Dylan Turpin, Jingzhou Liu, Ming Lin, Miles Macklin, Animesh Garg
The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024

We propose a unified and general pipeline for human-object interaction scenes by leveraging recent advances in differentiable physics and rendering

Project page / arXiv
Fast-Grasp'D: Dexterous Multi-finger Grasp Generation Through Differentiable Simulation
Dylan Turpin, Tao Zhong, Shutong Zhang, Guanglei Zhu, Eric Heiden, Miles Macklin, Stavros Tsogkas, Sven Dickinson, Animesh Garg
The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023

We present a novel differentiable simulator to generate a large-scale dataset for multi-finger robotic grasping

Project page / Video / arXiv / Poster

Work Experience

Vector Institute
2022/04 - 2023/05

Research Intern
Pose Estimation and Grasp Generation
Supervisor: Prof. Animesh Garg

Paramathic Lab, University of Toronto
2022/01 - 2022/04

Research Assistant
Neural ODE in Multi-Scale Time Series Modeling
Supervisor: Prof. Maryam Dehnavi

University of Toronto
2021/09 - 2021/12

Teaching Assistant
MAT137 Calculus with Proof
Instructor: Prof. Ali Mousavidehshikh


Carnegie Mellon University
Master of Science in Computer Vision
2023/08 - 2024/012 (Expected)

GPA: 4.00/4.00
Courses: Advanced Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Large Language Models Methods and Application

University of Toronto
Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
2019/09 - 2023/05

GPA: 3.87/4.00
Awards: In-Course Scholarship ($1500), Dean's List Scholar